Posts Tagged ‘HBO’

You bastards! You killed my college roomies, you movie dewshes!

May 17, 2014

You killed my college roomies, you movie dewshes!!!!!

And what else? The flicks have been bumping my playlist, since the 1970s, without payment:

The STARSHIP TROOPERS movie series sketched my room 108 roomies, from 1974, Barrington Hall, at CAL, Berkeley, where Sam Quinones lived, for awhile, as a student, after I graduated, and I was mildly crashing, while trying to find musicians, for a band, with no success.

But the movies used a lot of the unamplified playing and all of the amplified playing, which I was foolish enough, to perform. The pigs have microwave surveillance, and the punk corporations have MIDI. That yielded groups, titled AC-ZZ, inclusive, all duping plagiarists.

So the movie makers knew a war was coming, it would be in Afghanistan and elsewhere, and egregious surveillance would issue, similar, to that, during the Viet Nam War, when we were at CAL.

ST I showed General Owen, a sole survivor, of an Arachnid over-run, at a Fed firebase, on Planet P.

That is how Professor Doug ‘The Bug’ Whitman used to look, when he was a doctoral candidate, at CAL, but now, he’s been touting wasp larvae, as a source of protein, in food, for humans, so General Owen rants, ‘We’re all going to die!,” whereupon Juan Rico and Ace Levy fatally shoot an attacking, green wasp, which barrels into General Owen, rolling him up.

Seen CAL football? “ROLL HIM UP!” is often heard, at Memorial Stadium.

At Facebook, I just friend-requested Keith Quattrocchi, who used to pile his socks, in the middle of the floor, as a frosh. ST II stars Richard Burgi, as Captain Dax, who looks like Keith looks, now.

Dax also dies, in the movie, but hey, he’s the hero, who dies, at the end, of ST II. My other dudes are sketched, as schmucky clowns, who are important, to development, toward the resolution, of the plot.

ST III is the funniest, of the series, and it features Skymarshall Omar Anoke, who looks and sounds, like Sam Jones, who went to Lowell HS, in SF, with Keith. Sam got into EST, last I saw him.

Skymarshall Anoke gradually reveals his allegiance, to a bad brain-bug, Be’emacoitl, which spears Omar and reanimates him, to say what the bug wants said.

Maybe the bug’s name is spelled, B.M.a’Coitell. Sam did say, “Cornhole,” a lot, like Beavis, going south.

Just saying, but you killed my college roomies, you movie douches!!!!!!!

They would do this because the surveillance biz was bugging us, big-time, during the Viet Nam War, and lo and behold, Edward Snowden’s revelations are just the tip, of a nasty iceberg.

The rock and other groups, titled AC-ZZ, inclusive, were duping every last note I played.

A young woman came up, to me and my g.f., before class, at Wheeler Hall, Fall 1973, to admit she’d shagged Mick, after Keith approached her and others, and she found out the Stones were duping me, since 1971, in fact.

Now she’s a wacky LA Times columnist, getting sketched, by Julia Louis-Dreyfus, in Veep, on HBO, since she’s flawlessly schmucky, per Julia’s SNL and Seinfeld-affected sketching, which is an SNL trend, with Julia L-D doing Elaine Quijano, a former Playmate, who was in the Clinton and Bush press corps, and Will Ferrell doing Ron Burgundy, in the ANCHORMAN movies, as if Tom Brokaw and Walter Chronkite could have a nut-job kid, in a test-tube.

Robin Abcarian now sports a similar hair-style, to the one shown, by fictional Veep, Selina Meyer. But the waffling, on issues, for the purpose, of gross, media pandering is comically similar, in both Robin and Selina Meyer, who each have a daughter, in college, presently.

The casting director, for Veep is Alison somebody, which figures, since Robin’s Barrington and junior year in France buddy was Alison ap Roberts, who also paid for journalism grad school, by wild, personal behavior.

Sharpie is on board, with a female commenter, Serlina Mc-somebody. I guess Robin may be most famous, for passing on the quip: “Once you go black, . . . “

My paternal ancestor, from whom my family name derives was Jewish, so I’m observant, when I watch GoT:

April 24, 2014

From Discourse of Thrones, on WordPress, 4/24/14:

. . . there’s clearly nothing but a campfire.


  • Loony, shoving, thrusting Ser Jaime is right at the center, of GoT theme-development.

    After stabbing the Mad King, he pupped crazy Joffrey, abused Tyrion, severally, and started the Stark rebellion up, with lots of hate, when he shoved Brandon Stark, from the top of a tower, where he was discovered, to be bonking his even crazier sister, Cercsei.

    His usual abuse of short people is consistent, but post-lopping, of his right hand, he is on a new tack.

    Last episode, Cersei appeals to Jaime, to kill their brother, Tyrion, who is simultaneously asking his squire, to fetch Jaime, to visit him, in the dungeon.

    Jaime’s rape, of Cersei is a possible rebuff, of her insane request, to have Jaime kill Tyrion, for her, when she has already rejected his refreshed advances, upon his return, from captivity.

    We will see how this plays out! I only know some of what will happen, since I didn’t read the books, and I picked up HBO, two years ago, so spoil away, if you are allowed to, but I won’t.

    I already know he won’t kill Tyrion.

    • Oh, and don’t forget. Jaime whacks kids.

      During his unsuccessful escape attempt, which unsettled the Stark revolt, in a Goldbergian way, Jaime killed his former squire, which the magnificently disoriented Robb Stark had confined, with the quietly murderous Ser Jaime.


      April 24, 2014 at 9:47 am

      I didn’t see the name, TYRION, in any other comments, but mine.

      I didn’t see a list of short people Jaime abused, anywhere else.

      So, do you guys understand what happens, to ice, when it gets fired up?

      GoT has a lot of AGW, ACC, and mass extinction hints, yo. Deniers need not deflect, with rambles, about magic or fantasy. GoT is EVOCATIVE.



      April 24, 2014 at 9:58 am

      So. Peter D. gets loads of acclaim, and NOBODY here but me types in the name, ‘Tyrion,’ and then hits enter.

      Who does Cersei try to get Jaime to kill, right before he tears her skirt and shoves a doink into her, underneath Joffrey’s corpse?



      April 24, 2014 at 10:03 am

      OK. Here’s another clue.

      Who kicks himself in the head, when Johnny or Steve or Dave or somebody goes, “Kick yourself in the head, Wee Man!”



      April 24, 2014 at 10:06 am

      OK. How about this? Tennis is also commonly suggested, by casting and first-run screening timing. Review Tommy Haas out-comes, and wonder!

      Lancel Lannister is evocative, as a midget version, of which NFL superstar linebacker, who played, for USC, but now he’s packin’?



      April 24, 2014 at 10:08 am

      OK. Some of you must have noticed Grey Worm looks like which balls-deprived, neo-con President, of the USA, formerly predicted, in Star Trek and Star Wars?